I have to admit that I have made a lot of mistakes in my life!
Why am I telling you this?
Because I noticed while working with a lot of my clients that people often have a hard time to take action because they are afraid to make a mistake… Most people don’t like to think about this and especially don’t want to talk about mistakes that they have made, most all of us are concerned that we are going to be judged or misunderstood in someway.
We have spent a lifetime creating a perfect façade that we present to the world and who knows what would happen if we suddenly opened up about something that we did and we admitted that things didn’t work out as we had planned.
How Your Mistakes Can Help You To Lead A Better Life.
If we make a conscious paradigm shift, the truth is, there is so much that we can learn from our mistakes.
By observing our actions and then reviewing our outcomes, we get to see what worked and what did not work, and by being unafraid to take action and then stepping back to see what happened when we took that action, we suddenly have a life improvement tool that continuously works on our behalf.
By 2014, all time great Los Angeles Lakers basketball player, Cobe Bryant, established a new record and notched up over 13,400 missed baskets. When he was asked about it by reporter Baxter Holmes, Bryant seemed unconcerned about this huge number and replied “Nah, I don’t follow that stuff, man.” 
So if Bryant is not focusing on “that stuff”, what is he focusing on? He is focusing on being in the game, taking more shots, being a winner on a winning team. Every time he takes a shot and misses it adds to his chances of making the basket next time. If you have ever seen Bryant play, did you ever see him take a shot, miss and cover up his face in embarrassment? Never!
My dear friend and teacher Guru Singh says it best this way: “Making mistakes is a sign of growth; of trying something new, or unusual.
Making mistakes must be rewarded as much as the rewards for getting things right. There can never be growth without trying something new and therefore there cannot be growth without mistakes.”
I think it’s time for all of us to get out into the world and be prepared to make as many mistakes as possible without judging ourselves or allowing our fear of what others may think stop us from taking action.
And remember, one thing is guaranteed, the more missed baskets you make, the more successful you will become.
Mistakes are great part of our lives and we are so perfect!
Love and Blessings,
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