Gratitude In Action!
Thanksgiving Holds
The Secret Magic Of Gratitude!
I am so excited to connect to you and thank you for being with me on my Journey to open this World to the Power Of Living Your Life On Purpose!I can’t believe that this year is almost over and that time is flowing so fast.
Did you count your blessings recently and really feel thankful for your health and amazing gifts and talents?
On this very special Thanksgiving Day when you bring your family and friends together remember how grateful you are and share, share openly with tears in your eyes as you thank everyone for being in your life and for what this year has brought to you.
The Magic Formula That Always Works For Me
One of the fundamental things that I believe and that happens to me over and over again is that the Universe delivers to me exactly what I need and exactly what I ask for. It is a Magic Formula that always works for me and for everyone in my life, including my coaching clients.
By observing the lives of so many people around me I have noticed that, if we blame people or things for problems that we encounter, the Universe delivers to us more things that can go wrong so that we can blame more. This happens subconsciously.